Annabel is over the moon because she has a grandson! This is her first time as a granny and she couldn’t be more delighted. So huge congratulations on the arrival of Kittow (Cornish for Christopher).

Although she’s now busy helping her daughter, she did have time to mention one product she’s recently discovered. Not sure about you, but I’ve been inundated with Il Makiage ads on Instagram for some months now and I must admit my interest has been piqued but I’ve never actually bought anything as yet. So I was on the phone to Annabel in an instant to find out what she thought about the product she had been given by a friend – Power Redo Wrinkle Fix.
It’s an anti-ageing blur and smooth wrinkle filler. “It really does work. Brilliant for a special occasion.”

Anyhow, if you’d like to find out more about Power Redo Wrinkle Fix you can check it out here.
This is not an ad or paid promotion.