Why do some people swear by regularly taking apple cider vinegar? You may have come across praise for it on social media, so is it hype or actually something you should consider taking?

Apart from making a great salad dressing, limited studies show it may help lower blood sugar levels, reduce bloating, aid weight loss, soothe skin blemishes, help digestion and even boost your immune system.

Apple cider vinegar comes in two types – it’s recommended that you choose one with the ‘mother’ (where the good bacteria has not been filtered out).
Apple cider vinegar is quite acidic and should not be consumed undiluted on a regular basis. Obviously if you have allergies to either pectin or apples, avoid apple cider vinegar. However, for most of us, it’s perfectly safe to drink apple cider vinegar on a daily basis. Speak to your GP if you have specific dietary requirements, are taking medication, have allergies, or any other concerns before taking ACV regularly.
For an invigorating tonic, mix 1-2 tablespoons of cider vinegar with honey in a glass of water and enjoy.
You never know, it may also be good for your waistline…
More about apple cider vinegar can be read here